ISLL Papers 2012 (Vol. 5)

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ISLL Papers Vol. 5 / 2012. Bologna: Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL), ISBN 9788898010608. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5578. In: ISLL Papers. The Online Collection of the Italian Society for Law and Literature A cura di: Carla Faralli; M. Paola Mittica. ISSN 2035-553X

07/12/2012 – David CerriDiritto e Letteratura (Law and Literature)
The author retraces the events of the L&L movement singling out in the ‘stimulus to read’ the most important suggestion that literature can provide to law. Literature expands the repertoire of arguments and lexical forms tied to the complexity of emotions, illustrating how we can broaden our understanding of emotions, an understanding that should form an integral part of law-school training. What emerges from the essay is the importance of professional ethics and the need to construct not only a simple set of rules for the legal profession but also a broader legal culture for the contemporary lawyer as an actor embedded in the social context.

12/11/2012 – Vittorio Capuzza, Frammenti di filosofia del diritto e di letteratura (Fragments of Philosophy of Law and Literature)
The work deals with the main topics of law’s Philosophy and Literature. The purpose is to test out how literature and art can contribute to jurists’ activity: as a matter of fact, only art can catch the unbounded human essence, to which law is addressed.

22/10/2012 – Tommaso GrecoUn weiliano inaspettato. Norberto Bobbio e la mitezza (An unexpected ‘Weilian’. Norberto Bobbio and the meekness)
This article deals with the possibility of linking the ideas offered by Norberto Bobbio in his essay Elogio della mitezza with Simone Weil’s thoughts. The comparison between two authors who are apparently so different is made possible by the concepts mentioned in Bobbio’s essay: sociality, weakness, sobriety, gift, and compassion. These concepts, which can be further explored thanks to some literary references, have significant matches in the reflections of the French philosopher and they promote a positive outlook on the anthropological and political ground.

07/10/2012 – Ilario BelloniLa donna che ‘non esiste’. Rappresentazioni del femminile nell’opera giuridico-letteraria di Salvatore Satta (The woman who ‘does not exist’. Female representations in Salvatore Satta’s legal and literary work)
The aim of this essay is to explore Salvatore Satta’s work, with a special focus on the female characters who appear in his novels. Through Kafka and Benjamin’s vision of the law mythical trait, the article analyses the masterpiece Il giorno del giudizio showing how Satta presents gender discrimination in the Sardinian cultural imagery. The narrative of the female figures and of their ‘guilt’ of existence offers the same idea of law as life and life as judgment (i.e. as a trial) which is typical of Satta’s thought.

18/09/2012 – Flora Di DonatoAccessing Law Through the Humanities: Degrees of Agentivity When Actors Are Natives or Immigrants. Comparing Southern Italy/Northwest Switzerland
Recent contributions of Law and Humanities have showed how complex is the interaction between law and culture. Cultural models influence people in their representations of law, orienting them towards the definition of legal meanings that are shared and narrated through stories. The aim of this paper, that is a part of a larger research lead in Italy and Switzerland, is to propose a comparative analysis of legal stories coming from two different contexts (South of Italy and Northwest Switzerland), showing the effects of different degrees of legal agentivity when actors are  nationals (Italian cases) or  immigrants (Swiss cases).

04/07/2012 – José Antonio Ramos Vazquez‘Un fattaccio di cronaca’: Il caso Karamazov di fronte al diritto penale. (A nasty business for the news: case Karamazov and Criminal Law)
In this paper, the author examines the legal aspects of the play The Brothers Karamazov by F. Dostoevsky, with reflections on the figure of Dmitri and its relationship with modern criminology birth, boundaries between legal guilt and moral guilt (through the character of Ivan) and technical-legal aspects of the murder of Fiodor Pavlovich Karamazov.

18/06/2012 – Luigi Lombardi VallauriLe aspettative della filosofia del diritto (The expectations of legal philosophy)
ISLL Papers proposes the contribution by Luigi Lombardi Vallauri devoted to the introductory lecture that Paola Mittica and Arianna Sansone gave at the seminar ‘Law and Literature Today’ held in Bologna on 25 October 2008 at CIRSFID, of the University of Bologna, for the initial meeting of the Italian Society for Law and Literature.

29/04/2012 – Massimo ScottiD. Carusi, L’ordine naturale delle cose, Giappichelli, Torino 2011, pp. 512
A review by Massimo Scotti on the recent book L’ordine naturale delle cose, already appeared in L’indice dei libri del mese, 2012.

22/04/2012 – José Calvo GonzálezTiteres y derecho. La Justicia y las justicias de Sancho en la opera para marionetas, Vida do grande D. Quixote de la Mancha e do gordo Sancho Panza, de Antonio José da Silva (1705-1739). (Puppets and Law. Justice and prosecutions of Sancho in the opera for puppets by Antonio José da Silva)
Taking as a subject the comic opera for puppets written by Antonio José da Silva in 1733, the essay analyses scene IV of Part Two at three levels. At the first level, it explores the interpretation of the Justice and functions of its iconography, where da Silva/Sancho Panza are fierce iconoclasts. At the second level, the paper aims to verify the hypothesis of “absence of original” that connects scene IV with The Fall (1956) by Albert Camus and the concept of “non-place” by Michel Foucault. Finally, at the third level, the essay analyses Justice’s seriousness in the world of carnival through some ideas by Mikhail Bakhtin.

04/04/2012 – Federico FerroneSharia and Film in Iran: figure del diritto musulmano nel cinema di Asghar Farhadi (Sharia and Film in Iran: Islamic Law in the Cinema of Asghar Farhadi)
In the framework of the interdisciplinary scholarship on Law and Cinema, this paper aims at analyzing how Islamic Law─and more specifically the law of the Islamic Republic of Iran─is represented in the five feature films directed by Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi. The article focuses on the representation of the Islamic notions of qisas (retaliation), diyya (blood money), divorce, and homicide in two of Farhadi’s films: Beautiful City (2004) and A Separation (2011).

06/03/2012 – M. Paola MitticaLetteratura è diritto, letteratura è vita (Literature is law, literature is life)
A review of two recent publications of Simona Lo Iacono, Stasera Anna dorme presto (Cavallo di ferro 2011), and Massimo Maugeri, Viaggio all’alba delmillennio (Perdisa 2011).

17/02/2012 – Luigi PannaraleThe Truth of the Law. Reflections in the Margin of a Friedrich Durrenmatt’s Short Story
The following reflections are inspired by a short story by Friedrich Durrenmatt (1921-1990), who is unanimously considered, together with Brecht, as the greatest dramatist in Germany of the second post-war period. There is, however, an important difference that sets him apart from Brecht and this is despite the fact that Durrenmatt did a study and, in fact, ended up sharing many of Brecht’s theories on epic theatre. This difference stems from the unforeseeability and unconventionality of Durrenmatt’s work that contributed, on a par with one of his countrymen, Max Frisch, to a radical renewal of dramaturgy written in Germanyand which offered, in a somewhat grotesque way, a disturbing picture of the shabbiness hiding behind the appearance of respectability of the society in which he lived.

03/02/2012 – Valerio CoppolaV for Vendetta: un racconto di umanismo anarchico (V For Vendetta: Manifesto of Anarchic Humanism)
The essay aims to apply the Law and Literature methods to comics, or sequential art. The work involved is V For Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd, published in the 80s of the 20th Century in the UK and USA. V for Vendetta, also through a film version, has taken the value of a global symbol for several anti-establishment movements in the Thatcher-Reagan period. But it goes beyond its historical context. V for Vendetta produces a political narration, becoming a real manifesto of anarchic humanism. This essay analyses the book through its political vision. Between lines and panels, it investigates the relationship between the power structure and human nature.  Since it is a comic, as well as the plot and its textual set, attention is devoted also to visual storytelling (images, iconography, and so on).