ISLL Papers 2009 (Vol. 2)

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ISLL Papers Vol. 2 / 2009. Bologna: Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL), ISBN 9788898010608. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5578. In: ISLL Papers. The Online Collection of the Italian Society for Law and Literature A cura di: Carla Faralli; M. Paola Mittica. ISSN 2035-553X

04/12/2009 – Giorgio Maria ZamperettiDesiderio simbolo diritto (Desire Symbol Law) 
Published yet in Symbolon/Diabolon – Simboli, religioni, diritti nell’Europa multiculturale a cura di E. Dieni, A. Ferrari, V. Pacillo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005, 303 ss.

01/12/2009 – Antonello CiervoLa classe operaia non va in paradiso. Le trasformazioni del mercato del lavoro tra Diritto e Letteratura (“La classe operaia non va in paradiso”. Labor market transformations between Law and Literature)
The paper addresses from the point of view of literature the question of how the labor market has evolved over the last forty years in Italy in consequence of the changing law. This viewpoint is filtered in particular through the novels of Paolo Volponi, Luciano Bianciardi, Ermanno Rea, and Aldo Nove, and the Author outline an itinerary of study focusing specifically on the evolution of work relationships and relations of production. In this analysis, the historical perspective and literature are interwoven so as to outline a critical analysis of the transformations the Italian labor market has undergone, and the focus here is on the phenomena collectively grouped under the heading of “precarietà” (socioeconomic insecurity).

13/11/2009 – José Calvo GonzalezConstitutional Law en clave de teoria literaria. Una guia de campo para el estudio (Constitutional Law and Literary Theory. A Field Guide)
By way of a preview, an essay by Calvo Gonzalez soon to be published in Estudos de Direito Constitucional (Instituto Brasileiro de Altos Estudos de Direito Publico), ed. by Zulmar Fachin, Juru, Curitiba – Paran (Brasil) 2009 (forthcoming). The paper develops a field guide designed as a user-friendly tool for researchers interested in interdisciplinary management of contents on North-American Constitutional Law and by which it makes it possible to know where are topics of literary theory, providing a general level to identify the main arguments available. It is also why a tool for learning.

19/10/2009 – Robert Cover, Nomos e narrazione. Una concezione ebraica del diritto, a cura di M. Goldoni, Giappichelli, Torino 2008, 145 pp.
A Review by M. Paola Mittica.

30/09/2009 – Monica Sette LopesUma metafora: musica & direito, LTr, Sao Paulo 2006, 183 pp. All. CD audio.
A Review by Valerio Nitrato Izzo.

29/09/2009 – Marcello Strazzeri, Il teatro della legge. L’enunciabile e il visibile, Palomar, Bari 2007, 254 pp.
A Review by M. Paola Mittica

02/09/2009 – Ilario BelloniIl fattore K. Legge, vita, corpo nell’opera di Franz Kafka (The K factor: Law, life and body in Kafkas works)
By way of a preview, an essay by Ilario Belloni will be published in Annali dell’Università Suor Orsola Benincasa. This paper deals with the classical issues of Power, Law and Nomos, goes through them by the side of life, and sets them into the legal globalization process. The biopolitical dimension and the crisis of traditional nomos will be considered privileged points of view as they are the causes and the effects of the Law being in force without significance (Geltung Ohne Bedeutung). The most important figures highlighted by the scientific literature on this subject can be reviewed through Franz Kafka; Kafka’s work represents a major reference point for scientific literature as long as it raises these hard and unavoidable questions.

05/06/2009 – José Calvo GonzálezQuevedo en tela de juicio, o sea el Tribunal de la justa venganza de Luis Pacheco de Narvez (De contiendas literarias y Derecho en la Espana del siglo XVII) (Quevedo Questioned, or the Court of the Vengeance of Luis Pacheco de Narváez. From Literary Controversies and Law in 17th Century, Spain)
In anteprima un saggio di Calvo Gonzalez destinato agli Estudios en Homenaje al Prof. Dr. Alejandro Guzmn Brito, di prossima pubblicazione/ By way of a preview, an essay by Calvo Gonzalez soon to be published in Estudios en Homenaje al Prf. Dr. Alejandro Guzmn Brito. The paper examines the procedural drama created by Luis Pacheco de Narvez (1570 – 1640) in his Tribunal de la justa venganza [Court the just vengeance] (1635) for the prosecution of literary aesthetics (and moral ideas and values) Quevedos [Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas (1580-1645)]. The uniqueness of the case in the frequent literary controversies of the time lies in the nature of the judicial inquiry that was built. In this legal-procedural dimension reprimanded experiencing a profound rethinking of the semantic roles in the “production of sens” between Law and Literature/ Literature and Law.

30/04/2009 – Jacob StrainA Literary Approach to Substantive and Procedural War Law: An Illumination of War Law through T.H. White’s The Once and Future King
This article employs The Once and Future King to illuminate both substantive and procedural aspects of war law as governed by the United Nations. Substantively, the novel will be used to question the following: the U.N.s third-party neutral approach to resolving state conflict, the gaps in the current legal scheme of war law, and the breadth of the self-defense doctrine. Procedurally, the book will be employed to probe the U.N.s organizational framework, the methodology used by the U.N. in resolving conflicts, and the consolidation of executive and judicial power in the U.N. Security Council.

28/04/2009 – Antoine Garapon, Denis Salas, dir.Imaginer la loi. Le droit dans la littérature, Michalon, Paris 2008, 301 pp.
A Review by Francesca Scamardella.

17/04/2009 – R. Voza, a cura diLavoro, diritto e letteratura italiana, Cacucci, Bari 2008, 190 pp.
Una recensione di / A Review by Martina Di Teodoro.

09/04/2009 – Francesca ScamardellaRagionando sul diritto: Alice e il gioco degli specchi (Reasoning about Law. Alice Crosses the Mirror)
This paper explores the possibility of reasoning about law, using a particular category: reflexivity. On one side, with this expression, Scamardella refers to a mirror and to its feature: the inversion. On another side, she means the possibility to act rationally, that is to reflect (reasoning) in order to find the rule for moving in the world of a mirror. A particular example of reflexivity comes from Carroll’s novel, Crossing the mirror, whose main character was Alice. In the world of the mirror, characterized by the rule of inversion, Alice needs to look for a rational rule.

16/03/2009 – José Calvo González, Octroi de sens. Exercices d’interprétation juridique-narratif, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec, Canada 2008, 141 pp.
A Review by Concepcion I. Noez Martinez.

06/03/2009 – Riccardo CappellettiDentro e oltre la letteratura. Un atelier inedito in un convegno in onore di Jean Carbonnier (In and Beyond Literature: A Special Atelier at a Congress in Honour of Jean Carbonnier)
Cappelletti passes in review, with a critical comment, the papers presented at “Ethnologie, Littérature,” a special atelier organized for a colloque international devoted to Jean Carbonnier (1908-2003), held at Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense on 7-8 November 2008 under the title Le droit, les sciences humaines, sociales et religieuses. Speakers: Anne Teissier-Ensminger; Christian Biet; Denis Salas; and Règis Lafargue.

02/03/2009 – Jeanne Gaakeer, François Ost (Eds.), Crossing Borders: law, language, and literature, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen 2008, 179 pp.
A Review by Valerio Nitrato Izzo.

28/02/2009 – Flora di Donato, Conversing in the Garden on Psychology, Culture, Law, and Narration: An Interview with Jerome Bruner (Conversing in the Garden on Psychology, Culture, Law, and Narration: An Interview with Jerome Bruner)
Professor Jerome Bruner is known as one of the most important psychologists of the 20th century. From the first, his psychological research was focused on the relation between mind and culture, a relation that he explored for the most part on the basis of interdisciplinary methods, as by drawing on anthropology. Over the last two decades, he has brought cultural psychology to bear on the study of the law in context. In fact, he has been asked to teach at the NYU School of Law, where he made advances in the study of law and culture, thanks in part to the collaboration of jurists at NYU like Anthony Amsterdam. In 2000, this fruitful collaboration resulted in the publication of a masterpiece on the relation among mind, culture, and judicial narratives. Professor Bruner’s thought is well known even in Italy, where he was invited in 2000 by the University of Bologna to lecture on the relation between law and literature. His most important contributions to the Law and Literature movement concern some fundamental epistemological aspects. In fact, at the core of his thought is the idea that language shapes the mind within a cultural framework: to tell a story is, for Bruner, to shape reality. Bruner emphasizes that the mind’s narrative structures are the same in the context of every day as they are in the context of law: stories in literature and stories in law can accordingly be considered alike, in that both always involve the activity of constructing the reality narrated.

27/02/2009 – Alberto VespazianiPer un’ermeneutica della metafora giuridica (Toward an Hermeneutics of Legal Metaphor)
In anteprima un saggio di Vespaziani destinato agli Scritti in onore di A.A. Cervati, di prossima pubblicazione/ By way of a preview, an essay by Vespaziani soon to be published in Scritti in onore di A.A. Cervati. The paper examines the importance of metaphor in legal language. It discusses the rhetorical conception of metaphor and then summarizes three dominant theories of metaphor semantic, structuralist, and hermeneutic, and argues that only a hermeneutical approach can grasp and fuse the cultural horizons of inherited, metaphorical, interpretive traditions. It finally claims that comparative law, with its work of translation, is an excellent standpoint for examining the values underlying legal metaphors.

03/02/2009 – Giovanni Tuzet, Diritto e letteratura: Finzioni a confronto (Law and Literature: Comparing Legal and Literary Fictions)
Già comparso in Annali dell’università di Ferrara nel 2005/Published in Annali dell’università di Ferrara on 2005. The paper presents and discusses the approaches known as Law in and Law as Literature. As to the second, it is claimed that the different functions of law and literature constitute a serious limit to considering law as literature. Then a third approach is presented, consisting of the conceptual analysis of some notions common to law and literature, such as instance norm, judgment, interpretation, and form. One such notion is that of fiction. Legal and literary fiction are compared and the question is considered whether there are some common criteria for fiction credibility.

09/01/2009 – Felice Casucci, Etica Letteratura Diritto (Ethics Literature Law)
Lecture delivered on the occasion of the commencement ceremony for the academic year 2007-2008, at the Università del Sannio (Benevento). The essay deals with the contribution that Literature can give to the study of legal phenomena, in order to increase ethical awareness. Through the techniques of the quotation, it is developed a careful consideration of the matters of Legal Humanism, Ethics, and Aesthetics, and the moral meaning relayed by the artistic language. According to Iosif Brodskij, the aesthetic choice is a highly individual matter, and aesthetic experience is always a private experience that influences our moral choices. Law is not out of this assumption because Literature raises the consciousness of the fundamental values concerning the legal order.

08/01/2009 – Roger CampioneLos derechos flexibles. A proposito de “La cuadrilla” de Ken Loach (Flexible Rights. About “The Navigators” by Ken Loach)
In anteprima il saggio di Roger Campione di prossima pubblicazione in B. Rivaya, (ed.), Trabajo y Cine. Una introduccion al mundo del trabajo a travas del cine/ By way of a preview, an essay by Roger Campione, soon to be published in B. Rivaya, (ed.), Trabajo y Cine. Una introduccion al mundo del trabajo a travas del cine. The vision of Ken Loachs The Navigators represents a good chance to think about a specific dimension of social and economical rights – workers’ ones – in the age of globalization. The movie shows how the globalization processes involve a progressive drawback of those rights. Claiming a ‘natural and unstoppable’ globalizing tendency of progress, neoliberal dogmas of the eighties – deregulation, flexibilization, and privatization – caused a return to the primeval spirit of XIX century capitalism: the highest economic benefits but indifference to social costs.