01/12/2021 – Marcus Vinícius Xavier de Oliveira, Mi odio será tuya herencia: el derecho al medio ambiente sano, pacto intergeneracional y la “esperanza” de una nueva tierra desde Banksy [My hatred will be your inheritance: the right to a healthy environment, intergenerational pact, and the “hope” of new
In times of social complexity and environmental crisis, such as the one that manifests today, a theory, a praxis, and a disposition for transdisciplinarity and dialogue, whose epistemological dimension is characterized by the multipolarity of fields of research and the interconnection of knowledge, are indispensable. Thus, this essay analyzes, in a transdisciplinary perspective, some works by the “street artist” Banksy that were reproduced in different places and reveal a concern for the common environment. These images, for reasons that will become clearer in the course of the work, are paradigmatic to try to understand both the problems of the environmental crisis experienced today and the idea of an intergenerational pact, taking both Hannah Arendt and Fritjof Capra’s thinking as the principles and rules of international environmental law and international human rights law.
14/09/2021 – Alina J. Wolski, Anachronicity and Transgression of Law between the Millennia – Summum Ius, Summa Iniuria
This article aims to identify the new tendencies in the German law and literature movement of the 21st century. For this purpose, the novel Spieltrieb by the German judge and author Juli Zeh serves as an example. It is going to be analyzed about the question of the literary expression of criticism of the German legal system. The aim is to combine three aspects: homelessness as a consequence of age, a world that follows new mechanisms, and the role of law in these circumstances. Finally, it will be addressed to what extent the law and literature movement of the 21st century programmatically stands for the disintegration of society and law. Thereby, classical philosophical ideas are used, which can be found in the novel.
26/01/2021 – Flora Di Donato, Carla Faralli, Ana Carolina Faria Silvestre, Jeanne Gaakeer, Steven Howe (Eds.), ISLL Dossier – Dignifying and Undignified Narratives in and of (the) Law. Proceeding of the IVR World Congress 2019 WS Law and Narrative
This special dossier is the result of a Law and Narrative Workshop which took place at the University of Lucerne in the context of the IVR World Congress 2019. It collects papers of law and humanities scholars coming from Australia, Brazil, Holland, Italy, Switzerland, and the United States. The authors apply in creative ways the lens of narrative to investigate the broader IVR theme of the relations between dignity, democracy, and diversity, by reinforcing our conviction that nowadays ‘narrative’ should be considered not only a critical tool and means to interpret legal texts, but also a significant legal category that plays a crucial role in the processes of legal adjudication, case resolution, and social inclusion and exclusion.