ISLL Dossier

Nella sezione ISLL Dossier raccogliamo atti di convegni ed altre opere collettanee. Per l’invio di proposte, si rimanda alle regole definite per gli ISLL Papers. Tutti i dossier sono pubblicati come volume autonomo nella collana degli ISLL Papers con un codice ISBN a parte e un unico DOI. Come gli ISLL Papers sono pubblicati e diffusi tramite AmsActa. Institutional Research Repository by AlmaDL University of Bologna Digital Library.

In the ISLL Dossier section, we collect proceedings and other collected works. To submit, please refer to the rules defined for ISLL Papers. All dossiers are published as a stand-alone volume in the ISLL Papers series with a separate ISBN code and a unique DOI. As for the ISLL Papers, we publish and disseminate the dossiers through AmsActa. Institutional Research Repository by AlmaDL University of Bologna Digital Library.

ISLL Dossier 2023

11/09/2023 – Alberto Vespaziani, M. Paola Mittica (Eds.), Le ispirazioni del giurista. Storie, miti, favole, archetipi e altre dimensioni della narratività. Atti del IX Convegno Nazionale della ISLL – Campobasso, 30 giugno e 1° luglio 2022 (The jurist’s inspirations. Stories, myths, fables, archetypes, and other dimensions of narrativity. Proceedings of the IX National Conference of the ISLL).
On June 30 and July 1, 2022, the University of Molise at Campobasso hosted the 9th national convention of the Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL), titled “The jurist’s inspirations. Stories, myths, fables, archetypes, and other dimensions of narrativity”. From Philosophy to the Sociology of Law, from Criminal Law to the History of Italian Law, from Constitutional Law to Comparative Law, from Medieval Philology to the Opera house, from Cinema to New Media, scholars of the literary culture of law have offered narratives and questions that agitate the conscience of the contemporary jurist.

ISLL Dossier 2021

26/01/2021 – Flora Di Donato, Carla Faralli, Ana Carolina Faria Silvestre, Jeanne Gaakeer, Steven Howe (Eds.), Dignifying and Undignified Narratives in and of (the) Law. Proceeding of the IVR World Congress, University of Lucerne between 7th and 13th July 2019 – WS Law and Narrative.
This special dossier is the result of a Law and Narrative Workshop which took place at the University of Lucerne in the context of the IVR World Congress 2019. It collects papers of law and humanities scholars coming from Australia, Brazil, Holland, Italy, Switzerland and the United States. The authors apply in creative ways the lens of narrative to investigate the broader IVR theme of the relations between dignity, democracy and diversity, by reinforcing our conviction that nowadays ‘narrative’ should be considered not only a critical tool and means to interpret legal texts, but also a significant legal category that plays a crucial role in the processes of legal adjudication, case resolution, and social inclusion and exclusion.

ISLL Dossier 2016

23/09/2016 – Flora Di Donato, Jean Philippe Dunand et Jean-Jacques Aubert (Eds.), Droit et Littérature. Actes du Séminaire thématique du CIHDDR, Université de Neuchâtel, 29 avril 2015, pp. 63.
On April 29th, 2015, the Centre Interfacultaire d’Histoire du Droit et du Droit Romain (CIHDDR) at Neuchâtel University hosted a Workshop on Law and Literature, titled “Droit et Littérature. Séminaire thématique. The workshop – chaired by Jean-Philippe Dunand – was organized by two parties. The first one dealt with the approach of Law as Narrative with the presentations of M. Paola Mittica and Flora Di Donato. The second one dealt with the subjects of Law, Literature, and Ethics, with a presentation by Loris Petris; Law and Paintings with a presentation by Alain Papaux; Roman Law and Literature with a presentation by Jean-Jacques Aubert. We are very pleased to present the proceedings edited by Flora Di Donato, Jean Philippe Dunand et Jean-Jacques Aubert.

07/03/2016 – Carla Faralli, Jeanne Gaakeer, Marcelo Campos Galuppo, M. Paola Mittica and Ana Carolina de Faria Silvestre Rodrigues (Eds.)The Harmonies and Conflicts of Law, Reason, and Emotion: A Literary-Legal Approach. Proceedings of the Special Workshop on ‘Law and Literature’ held at 27th IVR World Conference, Washington, D.C. 27 July-1 August 2015, pp. 144. 
The topic ‘Law and Emotion’ has prompted a collection of papers previously presented in the Special Workshop that the editors co-convened in 2015 in Washington, D.C., on the occasion of the XXVII World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Presented as articles in this volume, they explore (at least one of) the topics suggested above and they do so from a variety of theoretical and cultural-disciplinary backgrounds. They find a common ground in the task of reflection on the relationship between law and emotion through the privileged lens of literature. This Special Workshop has made possible a permanent relationship among the European Network for Law and Literature, here represented by Jeanne Gaakeer; the Italian Society for Law and Literature, coordinated by Carla Faralli and M. Paola Mittica; and the research group rooted in Brazil under the guidance of Marcelo Galuppo.

ISLL Dossier 2015

13/05/2015 – L. Alfieri, M. Paola Mittica (Eds.)La vita nelle forme: Il diritto e le altre arti. Atti del VI Convegno Nazionale ISLL, Urbino 3-4 luglio 2014 (Life Forms: Law and the Other Arts. Proceedings of the 6th ISLL National Convention), pp. 494.
On July 3-4, 2014, the department of law at Carlo Bo University in Urbino hosted the 6th national convention of the Italian Society for Law and Literature. The convention, on Law & Humanities, was titled “Life Forms: Law and the Other Arts” and was introduced by a dialogue between Federico Vercellone (a philosopher of aesthetics) and Eligio Resta (a philosopher and sociologist of law). We are very pleased to publish the proceedings, rich with insights and edited by Luigi Alfieri and M. Paola Mittica.

ISLL Dossier 2013

26/03/2013 – F. Casucci, M.Paola Mittica (Eds.), Il contributo di Law and Humanities nella formazione del giurista. Atti del Quarto Convegno della Italian Society for Law and Literature (The contribution of Law and Humanities in the Legal Education. Proceedings of the 4th National Convention of the Italian Society for Law and Literature), pp. 281.
On May 31 and June 1, 2012, the Sannio University at Benevento hosted the 4thnational convention of the Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL) on Law & Humanities and Legal education, titled “Il contributo di Law and Humanities nella formazione del giurista. The convention was introduced by Luigi Lombardi Vallauri with a lecture devoted to Letteratura e filosofia come ispirazioni dell’atto politico-giuridico. By way of a preview, we are very pleased to present the proceedings edited by Felice Casucci and M. Paola Mittica.

ISLL Dossier 2011

12/05/2011 – M. Paola Mittica (Ed.)Diritto e Narrazioni. Temi di diritto, letteratura e altre arti. Atti del Secondo Convegno della Italian Society for Law and Literature (Law and Narrations: Issues in Law, Literature, and Other Arts. Proceedings of the Second National Convention of the Italian Society for Law and Literature), pp. 345.
On June 3 and 4, 2010, the Bologna University School of Law hosted the second national convention of the Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL) under the title “Law and Narrations: Issues in Law, Literature, and Other Arts.”
The convention – surveying the research themes developed in Law and the Humanities in Italy – was introduced by James Boyd White with a lecture devoted to his book When Words Lose Their Meaning.

ISLL Dossier 2010

16/09/2010 – M. Paola Mittica (Ed.), Law and Literature. A Discussion on Purposes and Methods. Proceedings of the Special WS on Law and Literature held at 24th IVR World Conference in Beijing, pp. VII+145.
It is truly a pleasure to present the proceedings of the second edition of the Special Workshop on Law and Literature, held last September 18, in Beijing, as part of the 24th World Conference of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR). The workshop was coordinated by M. Paola Mittica and chaired in Beijing by Vincenzo Ferrari, president of the Italian Society for the Philosophy of Law. You can find here the contributions by Vera Karam de Chueiri, José Manuel Aroso Linhares, Monica Sette Lopes, Alessia Magliacane, M. Paola Mittica, Marzio Pieri, Istvan H. Szilagyi, Alberto Vespaziani, Irem Aki, Wojciech Załuski.

14/02/2010 – M. Paola Mittica (Ed.), Diritto e Letteratura. Prospettive di ricerca. Atti del Primo Convegno della Italian Society for Law and Literature (Law and Literature. Research Perspectives. Dossier – Proceedings of the First National Convention of the Italian Society for Law and Literature), pp. 275.
On May 27 and 28, 2009, the Bologna University School of Law hosted the first national convention of the Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL), under the title Law and Literature: Research Perspectives. The convention brought together a number of different voices in a milieu of legal scholars (devoted to the philosophy, sociology, and history of law and to comparative law), scholars of letters (Germanists and Italianists), and others whose expertise lies in closely relates areas, such as political philosophy and the study concerned with the way legal themes are represented through channels for the production of popular culture, with a focus on television in particular. So, as much as the event did not represent the full spectrum of interests and perspectives revolving around ISLL, it did give us a definite feel for the rainbow of colors that makes up our multidisciplinary environment. The essays in the proceedings are organized into three parts: Law between Truth and FictionLaw in Literature, and The Antecedents in European Culture.