ISLL Papers 2014 (Vol. 7)

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ISLL Papers Vol. 7 / 2014. Bologna: Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL), ISBN 9788898010592. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5577. In: ISLL Papers. The Online Collection of the Italian Society for Law and Literature a cura di Carla Faralli; M. Paola Mittica. ISSN 2035-553X.

05/12/2014 – Maria Francisca Carneiro, Maria Fernanda LoureiroMultisensory Law And The Concept Of Interface: How They Can Be Approached From A Theoretical Perspective
Dr. Colette R. Brunschwig has been the pioneer of so-called ‘Multisensory Law’, which became a new branch of knowledge in Law as well as in Cognitive Sciences. In one of her articles, Dr. Brunschwig presents the idea of interfaces in Multisensory Law, consisting of multisensory brain-computer interfaces. In this paper, we study the concept of “interface” in Multisensory Law, aiming to collaborate on the theoretical development of Multisensory Law and its relationship with the discourse of Cognitive Sciences, Information Sciences, and Legal Theory. The concept of “interface” can also be useful for connecting different branches of Multisensory Law, such as visual law and audio-visual law, unifying them.

14/11/2014 – Jordi Gimeno BeviáEl derecho procesal en la musica de Bob Dylan y su cancion “Hurricane Carter” (The trial law in a lyric by Bob Dylan, “Hurricane Carter”)
On April 20th, 2014, the boxer Rubin Carter died when he was 76 years old. He won his fame not only in the ring but also because he was convicted of a triple murder that he didn’t commit. Bob Dylan, the famous songwriter, and icon of the ‘protest song’, composed the lyric ‘Hurricane’, in which he denounced in great detail all the faults during Carter’s trial. This paper is focused, on the one hand, on Bob Dylan as a really influential author even in society and in the legal system and, on the other hand, on analyzing the procedural mistakes that have occurred in Carter’s case through the song “Hurricane”.

12/10/2014 – Eduardo C. B. BittarPhilosophy, sensibility and education in human rights: An essay about the resistance against everyday insensitivity
Human Rights Education is focused on promoting humanization in socialization forms of interaction, and for this, the Philosophy of Law is working on a route of criticizing the rudeness and construction sensibility for a democratic, pluralistic and open view of life in modern societies.

16/09/2014 – Paolo MoroForme del processo e figure della verità. Interpretazione retorica del dipinto “La Calunnia” di Sandro Botticelli (Forms of trial and shapes of truth. Rhetorical interpretation of painting The Calumny by Sandro Botticelli)
By way of a preview, we publish the contribution presented by Paolo Moro to the ISLL Convention held in Urbino on July 3-4 2014. In this paper, the author proposes a rhetorical reading of the painting Calumny by Sandro Botticelli, tempera on panel executed between 1494 and 1497 and preserved in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Recovering classical interpretation of trial in Renaissance culture, Botticelli determines by antithesis the legal value of justice, describing the shape of unfair trial and oblivion of truth in the judgment. Botticelli uses an ekphrastic technique, typical of Greek culture, and reworks mythology with modern Language.

11/07/2014 – Antonio TomaselliTeatro poesia e diritto (Theater, poetry and law) 
With this article, we intend to show that the relationship between literature and law is directly related to the theme of justice and memory function, which allows us to build case-by-case’ events with reduced complexity. These events told as ‘theater’ and ‘poetry’, are especially widespread during the Nazi-fascist dictatorship and the outbreak of world wars, with the works of Brecht and Montale, united by trust in a happy ending and by a common dialectical view of life.

10/06/2014 – Domenico Corradini H. BroussardQuale diritto ai poveri? (Which law for the poor people?)
Ancora il cantilenante diritto che ai poveri riconosce un debole diritto alla proprietà di cose con poco valore o con un affettivo valore? E ancora il loro pencolante diritto a condurre una piccola impresa finché non crolla o a prestare il proprio lavoro in un’altrui impresa o in una pubblica istituzione? E ancora nel diritto la storia di Pietro Caletta che con la famiglia dalla Calabria andò a Milano per lasciarsi vincere da un lavoro infiorettato con polvere proibita? E a quando un diritto europeo e un diritto mondiale che sollevino i poveri dalle case e dalle strade povere? E a quando una dichiarazione dei diritti che tutti gli uomini tutelino con ragionevole eguaglianza? E a quando una forma del diritto che non si astragga dalla storicità della vita e sia come la forma dell’arte che non vive senza questa storicità?

04/06/2014 – Maria Teresa RovittoFlora Di Donato, La realtà delle storie. Tracce di una cultura, Prefazione di Jerome S. Bruner, Napoli, Guida Editori 2012
Maria Teresa Rovitto reviews the book by Flora di Donato, La realtà delle storie. Tracce di una cultura, with a Preface by Jerome S. Bruner.

21/05/2014 – Enrico MauroMaria Vittoria Dell’Anna, In nome del popolo italiano. Linguaggio giuridico e lingua della sentenza in Italia, Bonacci, Formello (RM) 2013
Enrico Mauro reviews the recent book, In nome del popolo italiano. Linguaggio giuridico e lingua della sentenza in Italia by Maria Vittoria Dell’Anna

05/05/2014 – Vera Karam de Chueiri, Edna Torres Felcio CamaraThe Trial In Guimares Rosa’s Novel Grande Serto: Veredas
We publish the revised contribution presented by Vera Karam de Chueiri and Edna Torres Felcio Camara to the SW on Law and Literature titled “Law and Literature: Experiences from My Country”, organized at the 26th IVR World Congress held 21st to 26th July 2013 – Campus of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. This paper aims at discussing Joo Guimares Rosa’s novel Grande Serto: Veredas (The Devil to Pay in the Backlands or The Devil in the Street, in the Middle of the Whirlwind), focusing on the trial of Z Bebelo, and Jacques Derrida’s notion of justice. The paper’s premise is that (literary) narrative, by being attentive to the complexity and plurality of social life, mediates descriptive and prescriptive aspects of human action. Then, it is desirable that law, as a narrative, dialogues with literature in order to rethink its own form and matter to better answer the complexity and plurality of social life and its challenges.

14/02/2014 – Luca OrcianiVerso una comune forma di improvvisazione. Intelletto, emozione, intuizione in Law and Music (Towards a Common Form of Improvisation. Intellect, Emotion, Intuition)
The aim of this paper is to show the relationship between law and music (both performative disciplines). The main focus is on the analysis and interpretation of a piece of music like a legal provision. Undoubtedly the crucial stage that prepares the work of interpretation is the elimination of technical and mechanical problems related to the so-called relationship between musician and musical instrument, between jurist and legal knowledge. The ‘heart’ of this contribution, as well as the essence of making music and legal practice, is the improvisation ‘daughter’ of study, knowledge, depth, and passion (what is masterfully evoked by: “Freedom in the strictness”). The corollary and epilogue are a profound and sublime reflection on the “silence of law” and its enrichment thanks to the artistic dimension: “First the Music, then the Words.”

17/01/2014 – Maria teresa RovittoRaffaele Cavalluzzi, Pasquale Guaragnella, Raffaele Ruggiero (a cura di), Il Diritto e il Rovescio. La gravità della legge e la sostenibile leggerezza delle arti, Pensa MultiMedia Editore, Lecce 2012
Maria Teresa Rovitto reviews the recent book Il Diritto e il Rovescio. La gravità della legge e la sostenibile leggerezza delle arti edited by Raffaele Cavalluzzi, Pasquale Guaragnella, Raffaele Ruggiero.